Monday, February 28, 2011

Potential Energy-- activity's problems

Here are the problems you were supposed to finish in class. Make sure to finish them.

a)    *Legend has it that Isaac Newton “discovered” gravity when an apple fell from a tree and hit him on the head. If a 0.20 kg apple fell 7.0 m before hitting Newton, what was its change in PE during the fall?

b)    *It is said that Galileo dropped objects off the Leaning Tower of Pisa to determine whether heavy or light objects fall faster. If Galileo had dropped a 5.0 kg cannon ball to the ground form a height of 12 m, what would have been the change in PE of the cannon ball?

c)    *A 0.80 kg bird, perched on a power line 6.0 m above the ground, swoops down to snatch a worm form the ground and then returns to an 8.0 m high tree branch with his catch. By how much did the bird’s PE increase in its trip from the power line to the tree branch?

d)    *A Mexican jumping bean jumps with the aid of a small worm that lives inside the bean. If a bean of mass 2.0 g jumps 2.5 cm from your hand into the air, how much potential energy has it gained in reaching its highest point?

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