Thursday, February 10, 2011

Elastic and Inelastic Collisions.- Homework due on Monday, February 14th

This homework must be handed-in on block paper before 8:00 am on the due date. Problems must be copied and all process must be shown. The final answer must be in a red rectangle. Any instruction not will cause a lower grade.

1. Miguel, the 72.0 kg bullfighter, runs toward an angry bull at a speed of 4.00 m/s. The 550 kg bull charges toward Miguel at 12.0 m/s and miguel must jump on the bull's back at the last minute to avoid being runover.
a) What kind of collision is this?
b) What is the new velocity of Miguel and the bull as the move across the arena?

2. Charlotte, a 65.0 kg skin diver, shoots a 2.0 kg spear with a speed fo 15 m/s at a fish who darts quickly away without getting hit. How fats does Charlotte move backwards when the spear is shot?

3.Jeanne rolls a 7.0 kg bowling ball down the alley for the league championship. One pin is still standing, and Jeanne hits it head-on with a velocity of 9.0 m/s. The 2.0 kg pin acquires a forward velocity of 14.0 m/s.
a) What kind of collision is this?
b) What is the new velocity of the ball?

4. To test the strength of a retainment wall designed to protect a nuclear reactor, a jet aircraft was crashed head-on into a concrete barrier at high speed. The jet aircraft had a mas of 19100 kg, while the retainment wall's mass was 469000 kig. The wall sat on a cushion of air that allowed it to move during impact. If the wall and the aircraft moved together at 8.41 m/s during the collision,
a) what was the initial speed of the aircraft?
b) What kind of collision is this?

5. A 620.0 kg moose stands in the middle of the railroad tracks, frozen by the lights of an oncoming 10000 kg locomotive that is traveling at 10.0 m/s. The engineer sees  the moose but is unable to stop the train in time and the moose rides down the track sitting on the cowcatcher.
a) What kind of collision is this?
b) What is the new combined velocity of the locomotive and the moose?

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