Wednesday, January 26, 2011

OCTOBER SKY-- Questions for 8th A

As you can see, because of their situation, nobody believed the "Rocket Boys" could accomplish anything, even their parents. That could happen to you, but if you believe in yourself, and even if it looks as the most difficult thing to do (like Rocket science!!), you can do it. You can accomplish anything you want if you put your very best effort. And you will always find a teacher to believe in you and to support you in everything  =).
You can copy them into Word, answer themn and print them out, or you can answer them in a block page. Hand them in tomorrow before 8:00 am
1.  What is the name of the Town where the story takes place?
2.  What event happens that makes the boys, especially Homer, become interested in rockets?
3.  Who’s the first person to believe in them and to help them?
4.  Why are they put in jail?
5.  Why did Homer quit his dream and went to work at the mine?
6.  What was Homer’s brother good at?
7.  Why did not all of the boys go to the Science Fair?
8.  What happens at the Science Fair that made them almost lose the competition? Who helps them to overcome that?
9.  Out of the four boys, who did not get to go to college?
10.              Who did Homer dedicated his last launch at the place?