Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Roller Coaster -- 50 pts.
Has one loop                     5 pts.
Has one hill                        5 pts
4 m length                          5 pts
doesn't break tissue paper  5 pts

Travels the entire track                               10 pts
Appearance                      10 pts
Creativity in design            10 pts
(any extra loops or hills will add 2 bonus points)

Written Report -- 10 pts
Scale drawing                   3 pts
Data collection page         4 pts
Potential energy calc.        3 pts

Friday, June 3, 2011

Build a Roller Coaster -- PHYSICS FINAL PROJECT


Directions: As a part of your final physics evaluation, you will put some of the concepts you learned in action. In teams of maximum 4 members, you will build a Roller Coaster which will compete with the roller coasters other teams build. The fastest and safest Roller Coaster will win.
DUE DATE: Monday June 13th, 2011

1. Construct a roller coaster, with a minimum of one hill and one loop, using any readily available material, which you think will provide a “slippery” surface. A standard glass marble will be used as your coaster car. Total running length of the coaster track must be 4.0 meters.
2. Take one square of single-ply toilet tissue.  Stretch it until it is taut and fasten it securely to the end of your roller coaster.
3. Test the roller coaster for speed and safety.  The marble should reach the end of the track as quickly as possible, without breaking the toilet tissue.
a) Position your marble at the top of your roller coaster.
b) Allow it to roll down the hill without pushing it.
c) Begin timing on a stopwatch when the marble starts rolling.
d) Stop the watch when the marble reaches the tissue.
e) Record the elapsed time, to the nearest 0.1 second, on the appropriate
Data Collection Page. (scroll down)
f) Indicate whether the tissue was broken.
g) Conduct several speed trials, to see if the times are approximately the same and if the tissue is always broken or unbroken.
4. If your results are unsatisfactory for any reason, such as, the tissue is broken, or the marble doesn’t travel around the loop, you may wish to experiment with the path of the roller coaster track. 
a)  Consider the number, height, and shape of the hills and loops. For further investigation using virtual roller coasters, click here
b) If the tissue is broken, how can the marble touch it with less force?
c) Explore the relationship between the height of a hill and the height of a loop following it.  Does the marble acquire enough speed from its movement down the hill to enable it to travel around the loop?  If not, how can the speed be increased? 
6. Participate in the competition with your classmates to determine the fastest, but safest, roller coaster.
a) Conduct five trials with your roller coaster.
c) The best roller coaster will have the shortest elapsed time, without breaking the tissue.

6. You will hand in a written report with the following information:
a)  Produce a scale drawing of your completed roller coaster, so that it can be duplicated in the future.  Include information about your construction material and track design. 
b) The Data Collection Page you used for your trials.
c) Calculations and result of the total potential energy at the beginning of your roller coaster.

You can do this to do trials with different materials to see how slippery they are.
2. Construct your roller coaster, according to the specifications below. See diagram.
a) The coaster has exactly one hill.
b) Height of the hill (h) is 0.5 meters.
c) Midpoint height of the hill (at 0.5 meters of horizontal distance) is 20 centimeters.
d) Total horizontal length of the hill (l) is 1.0 meter.
e) There is an additional 1.0 meter of level track after the  hill.

3. Conduct ten speed trials, according to the procedure below.
a) Position your marble at the top of your roller coaster.
b) Allow it to roll down the hill without pushing it.
c) Begin timing on a stopwatch when the marble starts rolling.
d) Stop the watch when it reaches the end of the level track.
e) Record the elapsed time, to the nearest 0.1 second on the appropriate
Data Collection Page.
f) Compute the speed (rate) the marble traveled, using the formula:
rate = distance / time.  Record your data on the Data Collection Page.
g) Repeat steps a through f, for the remaining nine trials.
h) Compute and record the average speed for your coaster.

4. Data Analysis:  Examine the data posted on the project web page, collected from all of the participants, by clicking on Project Data in the navigation bar.  Look for similarities and differences in the results.  What could account for the similarities?  For the differences?  Which material appears to be the most slippery?

5. Formulate a written hypothesis describing the construction material and track design to use for the fastest roller coaster.  Justify your hypothesis based upon your data analysis.  If you are participating in the competition portion of the project, you will build your coaster using this material and track design.

Data Collection Page

Team Name:

Team names and list numbers:

Describe the materials that you used for your roller coaster. 

Describe the design of your track.

Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Trial 4
Trial 5
Elapsed Time
In sec.

Speed (m/s)

Did the tissue break?

Average Speed:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011



1. Logan, Cassie and Abbey are doing the Pulse Speed Lab. Logan and Cassie stand 6.8 m apart and stretch a zinc-coiled snakey between them. Logan introduces a pulse into the snakey at his end. Using a stopwatch, Abbey measures that it takes 15.1 seconds for the pulse to travel to Cassie's end and back two times. They then repeat the experiment with a copper-coiled snakey stretched the same distance and find that pulses travel back and forth two times in 16.9 seconds.
a. Determine the speed of the pulse in the zinc-coiled snakey.
b. Determine the speed of the pulse in the copper-coiled snakey.

2. A transverse wave is observed to be moving along a lengthy rope. Adjacent crests are positioned 2.4 m apart. Exactly six crests are observed to move past a given point along the medium in 9.1 seconds. Determine the wavelength, frequency and speed of these waves.

3. A marine weather station detects waves which are 9.28 meters long and 1.65 meters high and travel a distance of 50.0 meters in 21.8 seconds. Determine the speed and the frequency of these wave.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Problems done outside to finish for Homework

These are the problems you need to finish if you didn't in class.

1. Cathy, a 460 N actress playing Peter Pan, is hoisted above stage in order toflyby a stagehand pulling with a force of 60 N on a rope wrapped around a pulley system. What is the Mechanical Advantage of the pulley system?
2. A windmill uses sails blown by the wind to turn an axle that allows a grindstone to grind corn into
meal with a force of 90 N. The windmill has sailsof radius 6.0 m blown by a wind that exerts a force
of 15 N on the sails, and the acle of the grindstone has a radius of 0.50 m.
a)What is the Ideal Mechanical Advantage of the wheel?
b)What is the actual Mechanical Advantage of the wheel?
c)What is the efficiency of the wheel?
3. Mr. Macintoch, a computer technician, uses a screwdriver with a handle of radius 1.2 cm to remove a screw in the back of a computer. The screw moves out 0.20 cm to each complete turn. What is the Ideal Mechanical Advantage of the screwdriver?
4. A nutcracker 16 cm long is used to crack open a Brazil nut that is placed 12 cm from where your hand is squeezing the nutcraker. What is the Ideal Mechanical Advantage of the nutcracker?