Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Homework Due Thursday December 16, 2010

In a white, letter-sized page, typed and printed out, you will create 2 word problems like the ones we have been solving in class. These problems must have enough information so that somebody else can solve them. The problems must include one unknown and all the rest of the information. Ex. The problem asks you to find the acceleration of an object, and you give each force involved, and the mass of the object.

You will be graded in this assignament on how well you present the problem, the level of difficulty, and if other classmates are able to solve it. People should be able to create a pictorial model and a free body diagram out of your problems, as well as to solve it.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Homework postponed


Thank You! =)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Acceleration Bonus Quiz-- Due Tuesday November 9, 2010

To improve your grade on the acceleration quiz you had on Monday November 1st, 2010, go to your class's page and answer the quiz named "Acceleration Bonus Quiz". The higher grade you get is the one you keep.

Good Luck!

Monday, October 18, 2010


Here are the questions you needed to answer about the activity we did in class. If your team didn't finish and I authorized you to do it for homework, these are the questions you need to answer.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Position-Time Graph.- DUE DATE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13, AT 8:00 AM.

Using the graph, answer the following questions. YOU WILL HAND IT IN AT SCHOOL AT 8:00 AM LIKE ALL YOUR REGULAR HOMEWORKS. You answers must be in a block page, with complete heading and margin. REMEMBER PRESENTATION IS VERY IMPORTANT.

The following graph represents the motion of a person walking. Use the graph to answer the following questions.
1.   What is represented on the x-axis of the graph?
2.   What is represented on the y-axis of the graph?
3.   On this graph, positive position means what?
4.   What is the position of the person at 0.0 minutes?
5.   What is the position of the person after 25.0 minutes?
6.   What is the DISPLACEMENT of the person between the times 25.0 min and 50.0 minutes?
7.   Describe the motion of the person after he walked for 1.0 km.
8.   What is the total DISPLACEMENT of the person? Total means between times 0.0 min and 50.0 min.
9.   What is the total DISTANCE traveled by the person?
10. Create a small story of this person according to the graph. Make sure to say where he was when he   
      started walking, where he went, mention direction, etc. Make it as detailed as you can including all the
      information the graph is telling you.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Physics Nobel Prize 2010.- Due date Friday October 8, 2010 before 11:50 pm

The Nobel Prizes are annual international awards bestowed by Scandinavian committees in recognition of the cultural and scientific advances. The will of the Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, established the prizes in 1895. The prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace were first awarded in 1901.  Each Nobel Prize is regarded as the most prestigious award in its field. (http://www.nobelprize.com/)

Your assignment is about this year's Physics Nobel Prize. Go to your class's page and answer the one called Physics Nobel Prize 2010.

Good Luck!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Hi!!!!  this is me doing what I said I would never do again.

To improve your quiz's grade, go to your class's page and answer the quiz named "Recovery quiz (scientific notation)" you only have today and it has a time limit of 6.5 minutes.

Good luck!  and I promise this is the last time I do a recovery something!!!!!!!!!   =P

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Products and Quotients involving Scientific Notation.- Due date September 29th, 2010 before 11:50 PM

Go to your class's page and solve the asigned quiz (products and quotients with scientific notation). Have pencil and paper at hand in case you  need it. YOU MAY NOT USE YOUR CALCULATOR.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Due date Tuesday September 28, 2010 before 11:50 pm

Grades from yesterday got erased since it wasn't assinged yet. 

 Go to your class's page and click on your name. Enter your pasword and start the asignment called "Scientific Notation". Remember YOU MAY NOT USE CALCULATOR.

Good Luck!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Welcome to our class's blog!

This blog will help you to get introduced to working online, which is a very popular tool in high-school. Also, it will allow you to post questions you might have about class and seeing other people's questions.

Last, some homeworks will be assigned here, and they will count as regular homeworks, so make sure you do them and on time!

The first assignment you have is to leave a comment with your full name, list number, grade and group. This will count as a homework. The due date for this is Monday September 27, 2010 before 11:50 pm.

Have fun and take advantage of this tool..